Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Services We Offer & How To Contact Us

Services We Offer and How to Contact Us

David and Susan are pleased to offer their Christian Lifestyle Matters services worldwide.  They are available either individually or as a team, drawing from their wealth of knowledge and experience that they have accumulated throughout their Christian service and throughout their careers.

To invite Susan or David, or both together to appear on your radio or TV show or to provide their services for your company, church, community group or conference, please contact:

Telephone: +44 7831 572 615


When you contact them, be sure to include all the relevant information such as the date of the event/talk show, the topic of interest and any other information that you consider relevant.  They will get back to you in a timely manner to discuss.


David is an insightful and knowledgeable Bible teacher and presenter and has given his Bible talks at churches and Christian groups worldwide.  David is empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak on any part of the Bible with expertise, enthusiasm and skill, either as detailed exposition or in addressing topics and bringing the lessons of Scripture alive for practical everyday application.


Susan’s expertise is in holistic health, nutrition and full-potential living, sharing the insights that God gives to her on personal joy and happiness, renewed vitality of mind and body, rejuvenation, detoxification, motivation, prosperity and peaceful, balanced faith-filled living.  Susan believes the ancient Hebrews proverb that says… “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” especially when it comes to the body.  For Susan, a healthy, fit body is a gift we can give to ourselves and to God for His gift of life to us.  Susan appears, by invitation, on radio and TV interviews worldwide on all these subject areas.

It is interesting to note that in addition to their Christian services, both David and Susan are world leaders in their respective business disciplines: David as a specialist business consultant and writer in employee share schemes and Susan as a renowned expert, radio and TV broadcaster and writer in holistic health, nutrition and full-potential living.  As well as their service over decades to churches and Christian groups, therefore, it is in the arena of their everyday business activities that they have experienced consistently the inner guidance and promptings of God and found their faith to stand the test of time.

David and Susan are available:

  • as guests on radio and TV talk shows and
  • to give lectures, talks and keynote addresses, workshops and seminars to your corporation, business, community group or church.

Their inspired insight, wit, knowledge and sensitivity are always a joy to behold and highly motivational for practical, victorious Christian living.

For more information on the uplifting books by Susan and David, please visit: and

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To bring a smile to your face, click HERE to watch the
short, heart-warming video Puppy Love & Friends.