John 10:12
You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.

Susan’s Writings

Biblical Inspiration for Your Dreams


This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
~ Deuteronomy 30:19


Long before I became an adult, I was a little girl with big dreams of writing books and making my way onto the New York Times bestseller’s list. I didn’t actually sit down to write my first book until I was in my 20s and now many decades later, I have over 33 books under my belt with more in the pipeline. God places the inspiration for new titles on my heart and I look to Him every day to fill my mind with words that bring glory to Him.

Maybe you have days when you can’t figure out how you’re going to get the pile of bills on your desk all paid in full or purchase all of the groceries and the basic-necessity-household-items you need, or let alone how you’re going to make your dreams come true. Maybe on your wish list is a new car and a new home or even to meet the perfect partner for you with whom to share your life.

Here are a few of my favorite scriptures that encourage me to keep on the track of pursuing my dreams and bringing them to fruition in a timely and providential manner. My wish is that these following Bible quotes will bless you as much as they bless me.

Deuteronomy 30:9
Then the Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The Lord will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors.

Deuteronomy 30:19
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

Joshua 1:8
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Psalm 23:1-4
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He let’s me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.

Psalm 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.

Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 119:103
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter tan honey to my mouth.

Proverbs 3:1-2
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.

Proverbs 13:19
It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 18:16
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Isaiah 40:31
Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.

Joel 2:25
I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you.

Habakkuk 2:2
Then the Lord replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.

Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:37
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

2 Corinthians 1:20
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 2:14
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

Hebrews 10:35-36
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.

What are some of your other favorite go-to Bible quotes to read and study for when you need encouragement, strength and faith to keep moving in the direction of your dreams?

I believe in you and your faith and ability to partner with God and to bring your goals and dreams to fruition.

Cultivate a Tender Heart & Loving Kindness


Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~ Albert Einstein

What do we live for, if not to make life easier for one another.
~ T. S. Eliot

Gentleness and kindness usually ride tandem. Gentle means kindly, mild, amiable, not violent or severe. It means compassionate, considerate, tolerant, calm, mild-tempered, courteous and peaceful. But I think that the best synonym for gentle is tenderhearted. I love that word. And I love being around people who are tenderhearted.

To be treated with tenderheartedness, we must first offer that quality to other people. Respond to others exactly as you would want to be treated. No one likes to be rushed or belittled, ignored or unappreciated. Everyone likes kindness, patience and respect. Ephesians 4:32 advises, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.”

Reaching out with a kind act or word of praise or appreciation can be so simple. Yet sometimes we assume that others “have it together,” and do not need our kindness. Wouldn’t it be better to move beyond our assumptions and to offer the kind of thoughtfulness we would appreciate receiving — a compliment, a smile, a hug, a pat on the shoulder, a note of thanks or just a question that shows concern. If your kind gesture goes unnoticed or is refused, it doesn’t matter, because in giving to another, you give to yourself. You’ll feel better. Gandhi said that the pure loving kindness of one gentle soul could nullify the hatred of millions. Now it’s time for all of us to live more tenderheartedly.

Take smiling, for example. Everyone can do it. If you’re not used to smiling, practice in the mirror by pulling the corners of your mouth up. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 47 muscles to frown. Conserve energy. It’s so simple and yet so effective. Learn to smile sincerely, from your loving heart. No matter what the circumstance, no matter how challenging the situation, put on a happy face. Smile to family and friends, to strangers, to everyone you meet or pass during the day. Do you realize how many lives you can touch simply by smiling? You smile at one person and she catches the good feeling and smiles at another person, and so on until your smile has, indirectly, affected the lives of several thousand people in one day.

Or how about writing a note of thanks or appreciation? A real note that you send in the postal mail, too, rather than through email or text. It doesn’t take much time. Sending notes is such a lost art form now and a simple, considerate act of kindness. I learned about this from my dear friend Alexandra Stoddard whose wonderful, heart-stirring book, Gift of a Letter, changed my life. I also read an article once about former President George H. W. Bush’s penchant for writing thank-you notes. He is able to dash off a dozen small notes with a single flourish and is “probably the most prolific note writer in America,” according to his former director of correspondence, Shirley M. Green. It’s ironic that the busiest among us are the most faithful letter writers. I love to write letters and notes and am very faithful, as most of my friends will attest. Sometimes I’ll go to a card store and purchase several dozen cards to have on hand. Isn’t it fun to receive a card from a friend for no reason at all?

Be aware of your thoughts and how you speak to yourself. Never denigrate yourself. There is a tendency for many people to be kind to others but they forget to be kind to themselves. Being tenderhearted begins with being your own best friend and keeping positive thoughts in your heart. Proverbs 23:7 offers us these beautiful words. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Another act of kindness and gentleness I always appreciate is a hug or simply the touch of another person. I’ve been known to give hugs in important business meetings, even when I’ve just met the person. I’ve also had my share of awkward looks from people who feel this type of behavior is totally inappropriate. It’s how I like to be, and unless someone specifically says to me that he or she doesn’t like to be touched, I will continue following my heart and doing what feels right to me. Since I was a little girl and until my mom, June, passed away last decade, she was always my shining example on how to treat others with kindness. She often encouraged me to be loving and kind to others, to offer a gentle — yet appropriate — touch to another, such as on the shoulder or arm, or even offer a thoughtful hug. She would always tell me her prescription to health and happiness “ . . . to keep the doctor away, give three hugs each day” and would encourage me to do the same.

Touching does so much. At the University of Colorado Medical School, studies have shown that touching increases hemoglobin, increases immune functioning, decreases tension in the body and accelerates healing. Yes, there is great power in our hands.

You can’t speak negatively about another without that criticism becoming a part of your own reality. Judgment, fault-finding, disparagement, jealously, envy, doubt, worry and gossip are all enervators to your body, energy and mood. As mentioned in the Proverbs Bible passage above, let go of all negative thoughts and keep your heart filled with the love of Christ.

In Romans 12:21, Paul admonished, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” This rang true for me last month when I visited a friend in the hospital. When I walked into her room, she began complaining about the male nurse she had. She said he was forgetful, rude, short with her and not very pleasant. When my friend left the room for her therapy, her nurse came in to change the sheets. I could see the pain and anguish on his face. I offered a few kind words about how much I appreciated his hard work and dedication. That opened the way for him to reveal the incredible hardship in his life. His wife still lived in South Africa and his two children had recently died from medical complications. He was working a double shift, just to make ends meet. When I heard all this, I felt a deep, loving-kindness for him. Before he left the room, I gave him a big hug. He started to cry. You know how that can be sometimes? All it takes is a hug or kind word and the emotional floodgates open. During the following couple of weeks, whenever I visited my friend, I took the nurse some of my homemade organic granola, muffins, cupcakes, cookies or bread, which he loved and appreciated. Both my hospitalized friend and I learned a valuable lesson during those two weeks on how important it is to reach out to others with tenderheartedness even though you have no guarantees of what you’ll get in return.

Sometimes the kindest gestures can go unnoticed. I love to put coins in parking meters when I walk down the street if I find some that have expired. The drivers of the cars never know but it makes me feel good. Sometimes I send a note anonymously with a kind word or a few dollars when I know the recipient is in need. It takes so little to do so much.

Each of us can make a difference in the world. By our intentions and through our attitudes, we can see difficulty or opportunity. Alan Cohen writes in his book, Joy is My Compass:

The difference between a saint and a sourpuss is that the sourpuss sees his daily interactions as a nuisance, while the saint finds a continuous stream of opportunities to celebrate. One finds intruders, the other angels. At any given moment we have the power to choose what we will be and what we will see. Each of us has the capacity to find holiness or attack all about us. 

Isn’t that wonderful?
It is a strong person who is gentle. We always feel at peace with such a person. When we relax and get centered in the divine flow of God’s Love and Light, we can feel God’s gentle arms around us and express this gentle kindness towards ourselves and others.

Richard Bucke, MD, was a Canadian psychiatrist who studied the personality traits of people he felt had a deep and profound connection with God, which he termed as “cosmic consciousness.” In his 1901 book of the same title, he wrote about Walt Whitman, someone with a supremely well-developed sense of his oneness with God. Bucke wrote the following, which, for me, shows Whitman’s tenderheartedness and his deep-rooted relationship with the Lord:

When I first knew Walt Whitman, I used to think that he watched himself, and did not allow his tongue to give expression to feelings of fretfulness, antipathy, complaint and remonstrance . . .  After long observation . . . I satisfied myself that such absence or unconsciousness was entirely real . . . He never spoke deprecatingly of any nationality or class of men, or time in the world’s history . . . or against any trades or occupations — not even against any animals, insects, plants or inanimate things, nor any of the laws of nature, nor any of the results of the laws, such as illness, deformity or death. He never complained or grumbled either at the weather, pain, illness or anything else. He never in conversation . . . used language that could be considered indelicate . . . He never spoke in anger . . . never exhibited fear, and I do not believe he ever felt it.

To be gentle and kind to others, as mentioned above, we must first be gentle and kind with ourselves. There’s no need to be hard on yourself, to beat yourself up when you make a mistake, choose incorrectly or repeat the past. Just as God forgives us, we must forgive ourselves. When you choose to live a faith-filled life, you will feel uplifted, confident, happy and in good spirits knowing you are never alone; God is with you every step of the way. In Hebrews 11:1, we find these uplifting words: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Through love, faith and forgiveness, we can live from our hearts and live in the heart of God — of Love. And when we walk with Christ by our side and always in our heart, we can let our tenderheartedness shine through in everything we think, feel, say and do.

Kindness is the language we all understand. Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it.

~ Mother Teresa

Dr. Susan’s High-Level Wellness Program

Achieving Whole-Body Healthiness with Molecular Hydrogen, Superfoods, Infrared Sauna, Alkaline Water, Exercise, Kindness, Sleep, Faith-Based Living and More


The first wealth is health.
~ Albert Einstein

What do we live for, if not to make life easier for one another.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. 
~ Joyce Meyer


As I travel worldwide as a holistic health consultant, motivational speaker and media guest on radio and television talk shows, one of the most ask questions I get goes something like this: “What do your daily activities look like, including your diet particulars and healthy living practices, and what do you recommend to others to live a happy, healthy and productive life?”

As you can already imagine about me, this is a question I could answer in an entire book, but for the purposes of this article, I will strive to be a succinct and crisp as possible and then send you to other resources and links for more detailed information or to order some of the products I’ve incorporated into my lifestyle for decades.

Overall, I follow the Essene way of life as described in my book Kitchen Gardening: Rejuvenate with Homegrown Sprouts. Jesus studied in the Essene community during the missing years of His life. They were farmers that had a sustainable community in a dry desert that was unable to grow anything before the Essenes arrived and cultivated it to the maximum. They worked with the laws of nature, and were also great healers. The members of this community advocated daily exercise, always-fresh food without overeating and everything grown organically. They treated others with kindness, practiced daily meditation, incorporated ample rest and sleep, let the sun revitalize their bodies and adhered to mindfulness, or living in the present moment. They were happy, social and peaceable people.

The diet of the Essene community was only raw food, but they took it to an even higher level of “living“ foods—this is, germinated, soaked and sprouted foods as I’ve elucidated in my book Kitchen Gardening. Even baby greens such as wheatgrass were already being grown within that Essene ministry 2,000 years ago. They consumed fermented foods and, needless to say, their diets were void of junk and processed foods, artificial flavorings and colorings and pesticides, since their farms were all organic.

The Essene always fasted one day a week, as well as long 40-day fasts. They were well known for high-level wellness—often living to 120 years.

So in my personal healthy living program detailed below, I will share with you ways I seek to simulate the Essene lifestyle and, at the same time, still be able to live in the “real world.” Maintaining a happy, healthy and productive lifestyle is my goal. For me, it’s a total, integrated experience of optimal wellness—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Keep in mind the following. Of the many positive steps you can take, three are eminently under your control: what you eat, how much you move (exercise) and what you think about. The body reflects the mind and the mind reflects the spirit. It all works in harmony—as one—just as we work in harmony with all other humans and with God.

What we eat and how we live determines our quality of life. What kind of life do you want to have? Have you even thought about it and what’s really important to you? Give it some thought today and then make a true and deep commitment to living your highest vision for yourself. When you make a commitment, arrange your personal circumstances so that your lifestyle supports your commitment. Eliminate the nonessentials and superfluous, and always see your goal as already achieved, giving thanks, in advance, that your vision is your reality. And if you want to learn more about the Essene lifestyle, please check out my book Kitchen Gardening.

Harness Your Power to Positively Effect Your Genes

Before I get started with the lifestyle practices that I embrace in my personal wellness program—of which many were the core elements of the Essence community, I wanted to first share with you a very empowering 3-month groundbreaking study conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish, MD. In this stellar study, it was demonstrated that the subjects affected changes in activity in about 500 genes—including 48 that were turned on and 453 that were turned off—as a result of eating more healthful foods, keeping stress levels down, practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation and exercising regularly. This is such an exciting finding to me because of how often I hear people say: “Oh it’s all in my genes, what can I do?” As it turns out, there’s a LOT you can do. In just three months, you can change hundreds of your genes for the better simply by changing what you eat and how you live. That’s amazing and VERY motivating to me!

High-Level Wellness is Within Your Grasp

Okay, let’s commence with the lifestyle practices that I incorporate in my healthy living lifestyle. Since the Molecular Hydrogen is something I use daily, I will start with this one and then move forward into my other favorite, surefire ways to heal the body and create vibrant health.

1) The Healing Power of Molecular Hydrogen

Hydrogen (H) is the lightest and simplest element. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is the primary form in which hydrogen is found. Research on molecular hydrogen has more than 1,200 peer-reviewed articles, with more compelling research happening every day. These publications demonstrate hydrogen to have therapeutic potential in essentially everyorgan in the human body and in 170 different disease models. What all of these studies have concluded is that molecular hydrogen is the most superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ever identified. And oxidation and inflammation are the forerunners of most diseases. So it’s clear to me that consuming molecular hydrogen to heal my body or prevent disease would be an excellent way to achieve high-level wellness. And it definitely has been for me!

Here’s what the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Medical Gas Research says about hydrogen. “Hydrogen is extremely unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular level. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood-brain barrier, to enter the mitochondria and even has the ability to translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions. Once in these ideal locations of the cell, previous studies have shown that hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the cell.”

Front and center in my healthy living program are my molecular hydrogen tablets and inhaler by Vital Reaction®, one of the world’s foremost leaders in this revolutionary new field of therapeutic and preventive medicine. Everyday, if I am not traveling, I use both the molecular hydrogen tablets and the 7% inhaler, and if I’m traveling, I always carry some tablets with me wherever I go.

Below you will find out how to order the Molecular Hydrogen Inhaler and Tablets and get a 10% discount and FREE shipping using the code SUSAN10. I made this arrangement so you could get this discount.

How Hydrogen Puts You on the Fast Track to Youthful Vitality Well into Your Senior Years

There is some hydrogen in all fresh foods and in water (H2O), of course, so you may be thinking, “Why should I take molecular hydrogen tablets or use the inhaler if I drink lots of water and already eat a healthy diet? Can’t I simply drink more water to get more hydrogen into my body?” And that would be a great question.

Yes, hydrogen is everywhere…literally. The late US astronomer Harlow Shapley said, “If God did create the world by a word, the word would have been hydrogen.”  It’s the most abundant element in the universe, found in foods, water and produced naturally in our intestines during digestion.

However, the concentration level is key when using hydrogen as an effective and therapeutic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. The levels of hydrogen ingested with food and water are not enough to mitigate the free radical damage we’re living with in this day and age. Nowhere near enough. That’s why disease is running rampant and our healthcare costs are through the roof. Vitamin C and other antioxidants are still useful, but higher concentrations of hydrogen do much more to counteract cellular damage. And again, you just can’t get those higher levels without taking tablets or by inhalation.

Soon you’ll see H2 therapy in every clinic, hospital and ambulance, in addition to dedicated Hydrogen Bars next to your favorite cafés as you may have already seen with similar Oxygen Bars.

It’s expected to be used in one form or another in every doctor’s office within the next 2-3 years. It is that miraculous! Oh, and by the way, it is all natural, non-habit forming, no risk of overdose, no prescription needed, and has no negative side effects. This is why I take the hydrogen tablets daily and also use my inhaler unless I am traveling, but I am never without the tablets.

Molecular Hydrogen Tablets and Inhaler

My motto has always been to take only the best-of-the-best nutritional health supplements available and incorporate other lifestyle practices such as taking infrared saunas and drinking alkaline water from my Ionizer Plus.  So I have done all of the research for you.

Vital Reaction in Boulder, CO (a sister company to the well-respected High Tech Health Company) is the leader in Molecular Hydrogen products with Tablets and an Inhaler. Many people use these molecular hydrogen products because of disease issues and a desire to heal the body. Others use the Tablets and Inhaler as a preventative modality to keep the body healthy, vigorous, youthful and glowing with vitality.

With all of the positive studies of late from around the world, more and more hydrogen products are becoming available in the marketplace, so there is now a lot of competition, but the products from Vital Reaction beat the others hands down. Be very careful considering other brands, especially inhalers. While Vital Reaction products have been third-party tested for safety and purity, most other brands have not.

Concerning inhalers, Vital Reaction only buys units manufactured in Japan, who is on the forefront of the hydrogen movement. Most of the earlier studies were done in Japan, and they know the industry inside out. These units are the only ones on the market with a built-in regulator that monitors and controls hydrogen percentages generated by the electrolysis process.

The tablets are quality and safety tested as well. It’s all about integrity for Vital Reaction. They stand behind their products and customers 100%. Plus, their customer service is impeccable. With a risk-free, money-back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose.

Vital Reaction Tablets

The Vital Reaction Company surely knows how to elevate your glass of water. Their tablets are a superior supplement for adding the benefits of high-dose molecular hydrogen to any non-carbonated beverage. I put the tablets into one half cup of water or juice. Within two minutes, the tablet reacts and saturates the beverage with millions of molecular hydrogen nanobubbles (it’s really quite a beautiful sight to see!), producing a powerful cloud of H2 that rapidly diffuses into membranes, tissues and organs at the subcellular level.

I usually take two tablets a day — one in the morning before I exercise and the second one about one hour before I go to bed. On really stressful days, I will take up to four of these tablets a day at separate times. They are so easy and portable for everyday use and to take with you when you travel or go on errands and might need a boost of energy and vigor.

Their tablets produce the highest H2 in tablet form, which is what you want; they are free from antibiotics, sweeteners, colors and preservatives. They are 100% safe for ALL ages—from babies to seniors.

Vital Reaction Inhaler

This small, lightweight device (only weighs 6.6 pounds) produces tasteless, odorless and non-toxic hydrogen gas in a safe concentration for inhalation by electrolyzing distilled water. The Vital Reaction Inhaler generates hydrogen mixed gas not exceeding 7%.

I use the their 7% Inhaler (they also offer a 2% inhaler) many ways… when I am working at my desk (right now actually as I’m writing this article), watching television, during meditation and prayer-time, when going online or reading books and magazines, before I sleep at night, when I wake up in the morning or simply when I am feeling stressed out and need to feel more joyous and in the pink.

Inhalation of H2 reaches a peak plasma level in 30 minutes. Studies show that inhalation of H2 is most effective for the blood, heart, muscle and brain due to molecular hydrogen’s unique bioavailable properties that allow it to penetrate the cell membrane, cross the blood-brain barrier and reach arterial blood. You simply cannot overuse it; it’s easy to fit into one’s daily routine at home or in the office. Since this device is compact, lightweight and portable, I can take it with me to use in different locations other than my home or office.

Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

At a glance, here are only a few of the countless benefits of taking the H2 tablets and using the inhaler.

  • Support healthy weight loss
  • Upgrade cognitive function
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Boost grades in school
  • Relieve joint and muscle pain
  • Promote cellular health
  • Assuage allergies
  • Increase energy
  • Boost positive attitude and mood
  • Have better skin health and tone
  • Improve sleeping patterns
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Enhance athletic performance + decrease recovery time
  • Hydrate at the cellular level
  • Prevent and assuage hangovers

Here’s a Concise Fact Sheet on Molecular Hydrogen Therapy to Print for Family & Friends.

The Healing Power of Molecular Hydrogen

On the radio show This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, Susan discusses Molecular Hydrogen — an astounding new health therapy found to be the most effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ever identified. Over 1,200 peer-reviewed studies prove that molecular hydrogen is a miracle element and can offer a wide variety of health benefits to essentially every organ and cell of the body and nearly 170 different disease models. It is that miraculous. It is all natural, non-habit forming, no risk of overdose, no prescription needed, and has no negative side effects. Susan uses Vital Reaction® Molecular Hydrogen supplements daily (via Tablets or Inhaler) and has seen astounding results personally and with her clients and people worldwide who are now experiencing whole-body, high-level wellness. Molecular hydrogen supports healthy weight loss, healthy blood pressure, cognitive function, relief from joint and muscle pain, energy and vitality, younger skin, allergy relief, restful sleep, athletic performance and recovery time, cellular hydration, hangover prevention and relief, positive attitude and mood and so much more. “Susan says that an investment in your health is the best investment you can make and taking Molecular Hydrogen every day is a great place to start.”

Here is a question I hear often. If the two Inhaler devices are 2% and 7%, what is the percentage of H2 with a tablet dissolved in water? Percentages are used to measure gases, and since the tablets are in water, they measure in parts per million (ppm) instead of percentages. The ppm they guarantee is 10 to 11 ppm for the tablets. On a side note, spending an hour on the 7% inhaler (the one I use almost daily and highly recommend) is the equivalent of about 65 tablets! That’s how much more concentrated the inhalers are and why they work so much better for anyone dealing with a chronic issueor even someone who wants to lose weight and win, once and for all, the battle of the bulge.

Using Molecular Hydrogen Tablets and Inhalers to Support Weight Loss

All of my clients in my private practice are raving about the results and now use the inhaler and tablets daily, too, as I do. I’ve personally witnessed their positive outcomes with more energy, lowered blood pressure, fewer colds and flu, emphysema relief, more restful sleep, younger looking skin, faster recovery time after exercise, pain alleviation in joints and muscles, reduction of depression, relief from allergies, a more positive mood and so much more. I also have seen many health blessings in my life using these two simple, efficacious products. One of the many benefits is that I handle high levels of stress much more effectively now than before I started on the H2 tablets and inhalation. I can remain much more calm and relaxed even in the midst of major chaos. That’s a great feeling indeed.

With everyone, myself included, molecular hydrogen has become the answer to many prayers concerning weight loss. The benefits with have been quite remarkable, too.

So you may be wondering how supplementation with H2 helps to slim down the body. While there’s more information on my website and also at, here’s a brief response.

Scientific studies show several ways that hydrogen can offer dramatic therapeutic benefits in this area of weight loss, and it can even affect your workouts. First, hydrogen helps to increase production of proteins that regulate sugar intake and help to counter sugar cravings, such as FGF21. (1) This makes staying on a healthy diet much easier. Next, hydrogen mitigates damage created by oxidative stress at the cellular level, which leads to the pathogenesis of diseases such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Hydrogen also offers both preventive and corrective measures for issues such as insulin resistance, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc, which puts you at greater risk of developing diseases long associated with obesity. (2) Finally, hydrogen can also make your workouts more effective. In addition to hydrogen helping to increase your energy level and endurance, it also cuts down on recovery time after a workout — so you aren’t as sore the next day. (3)(4) It’s a win-win!


  1. Molecular hydrogen improves obesity and diabetes by inducing hepatic FGF21 and stimulating energy metabolism in db/db mice.
  2. Effectiveness of Hydrogen Rich Water on Antioxidant Status of Subjects with Potential Metabolic Syndrome—An Open Label Pilot Study
  3. Molecular hydrogen positively affected post-exercise recovery
  4. Effects of hydrogen rich water on prolonged intermittent exercise


How to Order Vital Reaction Molecular Hydrogen Inhaler and Tablets

The Vital Reaction Company can ship to you anywhere in the world. The inhalers run on 110/240 volts, so you just need an adapter for whichever country you live in across the globe.

You can order by telephone or online. If you prefer to order online, visit: They have a comprehensive, reader-friendly website which includes loads of scientific studies and detailed information on these products.

If you prefer to talk with someone by telephone to complete your order or ask questions (as I always do), call the company Vital Reaction, part of High Tech Health in Boulder, CO (highly revered company in America) where I also purchased my Ionizer Plus Alkaline Water System and my Transcend Infrared Sauna featured on many pages of my website.

800-794-5355 (US & Canada)

303-413-8500 (Intl)

Monday – Friday • 8 – 4 MT

To get FREE shipping anywhere in the United States and also a 10% discount on the Tablets or Inhaler, simply use my first name with the number 10 as your code like this:


I made this arrangement with High Tech Health so YOU could get this 10% discount and free shipping, (and the 10% discount plus shipping if you live outside the United States). In fact, this is the same code I use, SUSAN10, when I need to purchase more tablets for myself or to give as gifts with an Inhaler.

Still unsure? It seems too good to be true when the potential is powerful enough to change the face of medicine, but don’t take my word for it. Read the studies on at and also on my website SusanSmithJones.comOn this website, you can also hear one of my radio interviews in which I discuss this topic of Molecular Hydrogen in detail. Click HERE to visit the interview page and to listen now.  And my books Wired for High-Level Wellness and Body Temple Vitality  include entire chapters on the topic.

Bottom line: Whether you are dealing with cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, obesity, diabetes, immune dysfunction, Parkinson’s, dementia, arthritis, allergies or almost every other disease, there is a place for Molecular Hydrogen. Or if you have no diseases and you simply want to rejuvenate your whole body from head to toe, and feel and look your very best, this is for you! And it’s great for all ages – from babies to seniors and everyone in-between and also for your furry friends — cat and dogs. I hope you will join me and others around the world now reaping the remarkable benefits of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy using both the Vital Reaction tablets and the inhaler.

It’s so simple and yet so astonishingly efficacious and salubrious. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. And remember, an investment in your health is the best investment you can make.

Let’s move on now to some of my other healthy living foods, lifestyle practices and positive perspectives on high-level wellness and holistic health.

2) Raw Foods

At least 70% of my diet is from raw foods — Daily I emphasize green smoothies (refer to Wired for High-Level Wellness for green smoothie recipes), large leafy green salads, fresh fruits such as berries and apples, fermented raw vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut, raw nuts and seeds and fresh sprouts. Sometimes it’s 100% for weeks, depending on the time of year or how much I am traveling, but it’s never less than 70%. I choose to consume only plant-based foods (a vegetable-centric diet) and whenever possible, they are organically grown unless I’m eating at a restaurant or the home of a friend and I can’t control the menu. In other words, I eschew all animal products, including dairy. I avoid gluten foods and try to make most of my meals at home, even if I need to take them with me during the day or when I travel. I’m fortunate to live in an area of America—in Brentwood/Santa Monica—where I can easily get vegan foods for takeout to carry with me already made with healthy ingredients. I believe it’s most important what one eats on a daily basis and not the occasional splurge that might depart from the regular course of foods and menus. And, of course, sprouts are always a part of my quotidian diet. I look at food as energy to fuel a happy and healthy existence and not to assuage boredom, sadness, depression, anxiety, anger and stress.

A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables plays a role in reducing the risk of major causes of illness and death including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, vision loss, hypertension and obesity.

It’s also vital to not overeat if you want to be free of extra weight and also many disease conditions. There are a multitude of studies to show that statistically, people live longer and have fewer diseases with lower caloric intake and high-density nutrients. So my goal is not to eat more than about two to three cups of food in a meal. A snack might be one cup of a green smoothie or juice. A full meal might be three cups. But the goal during meals is to not eat to the point of feeling very stuffed. You know that feeling you have after a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal and you can barely get up from the table and you need to unbutton the clothes around your waist? That’s the feeling you want to avoid day in, day out. These days, even during the holidays, I choose to not overeat. The older I get, the more I realize it takes much longer to recuperate after a very heavy meal, and it also interferes with getting solid sleep for a night or two and zaps my energy. So it’s just not worth it anymore. For more information on this, please refer to my books The Curative Kitchen & Lifestyle, Living on the Lighter Side and Wired for High-Level Wellness.

The healthiest people in the world, generally, are plant-based eaters.

3) Alkaline Water

Healthy water is fundamental for vibrant health. If you are urinating every two hours, then you are probably getting ample hydration. In my home, as mentioned on my website (, I have an Ionizer Plus alkaline water device that purifies my tap water, electrolyzes it and creates delicious, fresh alkaline water at the perfect pH level which I use for drinking (at least one half gallon daily) and use in all recipes, even for smoothies and teas. It also makes acidic water (lower on the pH scale) that is perfect for watering my plants as it makes them grow richer and fuller. Alkalinity is an energizing force in the body. For detailed information on alkaline water and its benefits for the body, please refer to my books Choose to THRIVE, Wired for High-Level WellnessKitchen Gardening, Be the Change and Body Temple Vitality.

On countless pages on my website,,you will find many articles I’ve written about pH balance, alkaline water, metabolic acidosis, what are the alkaline foods to choose and the acidic foods to eschew, detoxification and more. When purchasing one of their Ionizer Plus machines, if you mention my name, you will get a $300 discount. I’ve had the same one in my kitchen for almost 20 years and it’s always worked perfectly. To order now or to get more information, call High Tech Health:

800-794-5355 (US & Canada)

303-413-8500 (Intl), both MT

4) Restful Sleep

Getting ample sleep is essential for healing the body and creating vibrancy. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you an insomniac? Do you need some motivation to get more shut-eye? There is nothing more restorative for your body than getting ample sleep night after night after night. Sleep is when we reset our appetite and pain control systems. Sleep is when our energy regroups for the day to come. Without getting 7-8 hours of good sleep nightly, you will have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. Too little sleep makes you hungry, especially for calorie-dense, unhealthy foods, and primes your body to hold on to all the calories you eat.

Studies reveal that lack of sleep also makes you irritable, increases hypertension (blood pressure), makes you feel more stressful, increases depression, undermines your ability to deal with stress and shortens lifespan. As well, when sleep-starved, your body craves more energy, driving you to eat more than you would otherwise.

I strive for at least seven solid hours of sleep at night and prefer to go to bed early and get up early when life is beaming with unlimited possibilities and the world is a little more inviting, quiet and peaceful. In my books, Choose to Thrive and Body Temple Vitality, you will find some of my best tips to sleep like a baby night after night.

5) Vigorous Exercise

Everyday I do some form of exercise. It’s essential for overall well-being. Like eating habits, exercise is a lifetime commitment. And if you stop exercising, the beneficial effects are rapidly lost; it requires consistent reinforcement. But it will improve the quality of your life. The discipline associated with exercise makes you feel good about yourself. So get started today. The only things you have to lose are some pounds, sleepless nights and fatigue. Go for it!

As part of your exercise program, make time to stretch daily. A flexible body greatly reduces the chance of injury because tight muscles that restrict the natural range of motion in the joints are susceptible to pulls, tears and stress injuries. In fact, tight hip-flexor muscles, hamstrings and back muscles can rotate the pelvis forward, resulting in excessive curvature of the lower back, chronic lower back pain and sciatica. This often happens when sitting for too long without taking breaks to stand up, move around and lengthen your muscles and joints. So stretch every day.

Exercise helps reduce inches. You’ll look firmer and leaner. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. Instead of weighing yourself, measure yourself to see the changes in your hips, thighs and waist. And make sure resistance training (aka — strength training or weight training) is part of your program along with aerobic activity and stretching. Lifting weights builds healthy lean muscle tissue in your body. Muscle burns fat. It’s that simple. Exercise increases muscle, alters its chemistry, tones it and increases the metabolic rate. To lose weight and keep it off, make exercise a key component of your healthy living program.

Hiking outdoors in nature is my favorite way to move my body and, at the same time, get some sunshine on my skin without overdoing it. When I hike, sometimes I’ll stop and do push-ups or push-aways using a tree stump or a bench or railing. Usually, one day a week, to rest my body, my form of exercise might something simple like gentle stretching or Pilates without being an arduous workout. To learn about how to do push-away and why they are so beneficial for your entire body, please refer to my book Body Temple Vitality.

Getting outdoors to exercise in a park, at the ocean, in the mountains or any place of nature not only exercises your body, but also feeds your soul. Going to the gym is a good practice and I have a home gym and also visit a local gym, but it doesn’t compare with exercising outdoors.

In one of the chapters in my book, Invest in Yourself with Exercise, I write about how to do Prayer-Walking and Prayer-Hiking, which is a wonderful way to get in exercise and also nourish your mind and spirit. This book also includes ways to stay motivated to exercise, how to prevent boredom and injury, which exercises help best with the battle of the bulge, simple ways to create a well-rounded fitness program and all the many benefits of regular exercise.

Proper rest, fresh air, clean water, deep breathing, daily exercise and a plant-based, whole food lifestyle are what I embrace and practice daily. I also seek to eliminate as much stress in my life as possible because stress is a killer.

6) Infrared Sauna

Taking infrared saunas are one of the most important parts of my detoxification and rejuvenation program. Saunas, in one form or another, have been used across ages and oceans. Cultures around the world have recognized the relaxing benefits of rendered health within a warm, welcoming space. From the Romans to the Japanese to the Native American Indians to the Scandinavians, heat therapy has been essential for the body to unwind from the stresses and hardships of daily life.

Not all saunas are the same. I am a regular infrared sauna enthusiast and I highly recommend taking saunas in the privacy of your home because it is more sanitary (you don’t sit in other peoples’ toxic sweat residue) — and so much easier to fit into your lifestyle any time it’s convenient for you. From extensive research on saunas and the benefits of sweating for almost four decades, my personal preference among all the saunas available is Thermal Life Infrared Sauna and the Transcend Infrared Sauna. Available from the High Tech Health Company, Thermal Life and Transcendhave been the world leaders in the infrared sauna business and the company has gained a reputation of making the best-of-the-best saunas. They use only the best heaters and wood, and their craftsmanship is beyond compare with gold standard warranties. When you invest in a Transcend or Thermal Life Far Infrared Saunayou’re making an investment not only in your health, but also an investment for life.

You will find several of my articles and radio interviews on the benefits of heat therapy and infrared saunas on my website, When purchasing one of their saunas, if you mention my name, you will get a $500 discount. To order a sauna or to get more information from the company, call High Tech Health:

800-794-5355 (US & Canada)

303-413-8500 (Intl), both MT

7) Eschew Sugar

A diet high in sugar can kill you. So I avoid all added sugars and eat a low glycemic index diet. I wouldn’t touch high fructose corn syrup, and I only use white sugar for my hummingbird feeder. Cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate and the rectum, as well as gout, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and a variety of other chronic diseases are all associated with a high glycemic diet (a high sugar diet with lots of sweets, deserts, ice cream and other sugary foods). A high sugar cuisine is also detrimental for healthy, youthful skin. It breaks down the structure of the skin’s collagen and elastin. It also impairs the structure of the DNA and accelerates the aging process. Yes, I eat fresh fruits and my favorites are berries, melons, apples, pears and lemons.

8) My Morning Ritual

Each morning, I start my day with an early morning session of prayer and meditation, followed by oil pulling (you can read my chapter on oil pulling in my book  Wired for High-Level Wellness) and then a lemon shot made with fresh lemon juice (it alkalizes the system even though it’s acid to the taste). Always rinse out your mouth after downing the shot as lemon residue left on the teeth can corrode tooth enamel), followed by either a fresh green juice that I’ve made from my juicer or purchased at a local juice establishment or a green smoothie, and then exercise followed by my daily activities. Most of my days and nights I end with another prayer and meditation session, and I make it a point not to watch evening news before I go to sleep. My preference is to keep my thoughts positive as I drift off into dreamland. Because my diet is vegetable-centric, I try to consume as many green foods during the day and night as possible. One of the most popular physicians on national television, Doctor Oz, advocates consuming raw green soups (aka green smoothies) as a preventative to all forms of degenerative diseases. As my grandmother and mom always used to say to me: “When you are green inside, you are clean inside.“

Overall, I eat fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, blended green smoothies and a moderate amount of nuts and seeds like chia, hemp, sesame and flaxseeds. Raw, sprouts from nuts, seeds, grains and legumes are also a part of my daily diet, as are fermented vegetables. I also include raw super green food powders and supplements, too.

9) Fermented Veggies

Most days, I find a way to eat one-quarter to one-half cup of fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut or kimchi. When I was a teenager, I learned from my grandmother about fermented veggies and how to make them, and did so for decades. Then, as my schedule got busier and busier with more traveling, it simply didn’t work well for me, so now I purchase them readily and easily at my local natural food stores. They come in glass jars (always make sure they are raw and not heated or pasteurized) and you don’t need to eat a lot to reap the benefits. Just 3-4 tablespoons each day will help your gut and GI tract stay in the pink (in good health). Fermented vegetables are an excellent form of probiotics, which are essential for optimal health and vitality. The beneficial bacteria in fermented veggies confer these nutrient-dense foods of nature with myriad health benefits. The lactobacilli enhance the vegetables’ digestibility and increase vitamin levels. They produce helpful enzymes as well as antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic substances. Furthermore, these probiotic bacteria have numerous benefits in the digestive tract that promote whole-body health — our bodies are made up of 10 times as many bacteria as human cells, interacting in myriad of still not fully appreciated ways. Proper immune response depends on a healthy gut and having the right microbial balance enables us to deal with everyday health challenges as easily as possible.

In addition to consuming fermented veggies, I also take a superlative probiotic capsule by E3LiveE3Probiotics Supreme 50 Billion. I also drink kombucha beverage every day. It’s a fermented beverage that you can purchase in natural food stores and more enlightened grocery stores, or you can make it yourself at home, as I used to do for 25 years until it was much easier for me to purchase bottles in local stores. The Essenes were the originators of kombucha over 2000 years ago. In China, this beverage is referred to as the “Immortal Health Elixir.”

Most people are not aware the 80 percent of one’s immune system is located in the gut, and the digestive system is the second largest part of your neurological system. So it’s no surprise that the gut is considered the “second brain.”

I drink kombucha in the form of tea and a variety of delicious, flavored chilled beverages to help maintain optimal immune health. Studies have found kombucha supports health in the lungs, gut, heart and brain. It also fosters vitality in the cardiovascular system and liver, and it helps to manage diabetes. Furthermore, kombucha, because of the live cultures, helps to destroy bad bacteria responsible for infections. So for many decades, I have been drinking at least 16 ounces of delicious kombucha daily (some of my favorite include ginger, lemon, multi-green and cayenne cleanse), unless I am traveling and have no access to getting some, and in these cases, I always bring some kombucha~green tea bags and some E3Live Probiotics 50 Billionwith me when I’m traveling in America or across the globe.

For more information on the healing power of fermented foods, please refer to my book Wired for High-Level Wellness.

10) Nutritional Supplements

Taking the best nutritional supplements and Aqua-Botanicals are also part of my healthy living program. For decades, I’ve taken superior greens from the company E3LiveTM. They cultivate and harvest raw blue-green algae products and, it may surprise you to know that blue-green algae are the healthiest quality proteins in the world. Aphanozomenon flos-aquae (often referred to as E3Live, AFA or Blue-Green Algae) help people with disease and also neurological challenges. I’ve used E3Live on a daily basis for decades.

For thousands of years, algae have been used worldwide as an excellent food source and potent medicine. For over 30 years, the naturally occurring Aphanizomnenon flos-aquae (AFA) growing in Oregon has been harvested and sold as a unique dietary supplement that’s teeming with health-promoting compounds. “Although AFA grows in many other areas of the world,” writes Christian Drapeau in his book, Primordial Food Aphanizomenon flos-aquae: A Wild Blue-Green Alga with Unique Health Properties, “the biomass that accumulates every year in Klamath Lake is unique in its abundance as well as its purity.”

E3Live is 100 percent AFA. It’s available in its complete fresh frozen liquid form. E3Live is collected only from the deepest, most primitive waters of Klamath Lake, Oregon, and harvested only at peak times of optimal growth, when the AFA is the heartiest. “As a physician working with thousands of clients, I find that E3Live helps to restore overall biochemical balance by nourishing the body at the cellular level. The positive response from the use of E3Live has been extraordinary. It has the potential to enhance every aspect of our lives—mind, body and soul,” opines Gabriel Cousens, MD. I would wholeheartedly agree.

Certified organic and kosher, E3Live is harvested at Klamath Lake in Oregon and is nature’s complete nutrition. It will help energize your body, balance your emotions and focus your mind. Another thing I appreciate about this company is that you can order by telephone and then it’s delivered directly to your door — anywhere in the world. I get shipments monthly and would never be without their products. These are some of my most favorite nutritional supplements and very popular in my private practice and with all of my friends and co-workers because they’re truly superlative and efficacious.

For over 30 years, I’ve taken E3Live consistently and highly recommend it to everyone. It provides more nutrient-rich chlorophyll than wheatgrass; 60 percent high quality protein; all the B vitamins, including B-12; essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids; and powerful digestive enzymes. It’s also organic, kosher, vegan, raw and versatile.It will change your life for the better.

Whether you choose their signature E3Live Original (or Flavored Apple/Lemon) superfood product, or any of their other premier nutritional supplements for women, men, children or pets, you’ll see a positive difference. I use many their products daily. I encourage you to give these nutritional supplements a 90-day test. You will marvel at how much better you’ll look and feel. For weight control, digestive health, brain or joint support, heart health, blood sugar and sport support or an excellent anti-inflammatory, you can’t go wrong with E3Live. Some of their products I take include BrainOn Supreme, Blue Majik, E3RenewMe!, E3Live Liquid, E3AFA, E3Camu Camu, E3Enzymes Supreme and E3Probiotics 50 Billion.

For more information on these products, please visit, and peruse under Favorite Products. To order any of the E3Live products quickly and easily, call:

888-800-7070 (US & Canada) 

541- 273-2212 (Intl), both PT

I encourage you to give them a call and ask their friendly team of experts any questions you may have and which products will be best for you. Tell them what health issues you are experiencing or the goals you want to achieve in your health and they’ll guide you knowledgeably. Also, tell them hello from me. Frequently, I call to ask questions about their products or to order from them and get deliveries sent to my front door always chilled—because they are raw-whole-food products.

When you are green inside, you are clean inside.

11) Choose Kindness

Choose to show kindness to yourself and others every day, an admirable quality of the Essene. Kindness is contagious. These days, it appears to be like people are really getting meaner. From the halls of Congress to the main streets of small-town America and big cities everywhere, it seems like no one is capable of civilly listening to others whose viewpoints are different.

As I write about in my books Be the Change and Choose to THRIVE, I believe that we are in the midst of an epidemic in which few people have the time to be kind. This rampant form of business is nothing short of a sickness — a form of self-centeredness brought about by people rushing around trying to make ends meet and cope with mounting stress and numerous health issues.

Do you feel overwhelmed in your life and less compassionate than you did years ago? As I counsel people around the country, and even worldwide, it’s been my experience that most people are burning the candle at both ends — daily; most people are experiencing severe sleep debt; many people have no time to call their own and most folks are living in what I refer to as a spin-cycle lifestyle. Can you relate to any of this? It was the Dalai Lama who said, “World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.”  When we choose kindness as a way of life, we become more compassionate. On the custom frame I had made to go around the license in the front of my car, I have the words Choose Kindness on the top and on the lower part of the frame it reads Live Joyfully. On the rear frame, I put the words Choose Peace and Celebrate Life.

William Penn described well the importance of not putting off acts of kindness when he wrote, “If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” Don’t ever underestimate the power of kindness. “Random acts of kindness” may just be a slogan, but it has caught on all around the country and world for a reason. Doing lovely things for others for no reason has so many rewards. In an instant, the best of our humanity and heart comes forward. Acts of kindness connect our heart to the heart of another person and create bridges over which our love can flow. My mom, June, and grandmother, Fritzie, always taught me to live by the Golden Rule. They encouraged me to find ways that I could make a positive difference in other people’s live on a daily basis, and to also be aware of the kindness that’s all around me just waiting for my recognition and acknowledgment. The Essene were known to be kind to each other and people from all over the world who traveled to spend time with them learning their secrets to health, happy, vitality and longevity.

Everyday, no matter where I am or what I am doing, I strive to show kindness to myself, my friends and business associates and even to strangers. It always brightens my day. Walk the path of love and kindness, and joy will be your constant companion. Always remember, every day presents us with hundreds of opportunities to practice kindness toward our fellow humans. Seize these moments and discover how wonderful it feels.

Spread your love everywhere you go.

~ Mother Teresa

12) Time in Nature

Make friends with Nature. Since I was a teenager, I’ve loved to spend time outdoors in nature. I feel close to God in nature, the trees are like beautiful cathedrals to me and it always makes me feel more compassionate when I’m in nature appreciating its beauty. That’s why hiking in the mountains in Santa Monica or many locations where I travel in the world, is my favorite way to exercise. But what if you are stuck in an office many hours during the week and have minimal time to call your own on the weekends with responsibilities and activities? Here’s a simple and inexpensive way to simulate being outdoors and it will also help you to be more compassionate. View a photo or image, such as a poster, of a nature scene. You can put it in your home or office and look at it a few times a day.

In one study, it was revealed that those people who spent a few minutes a day viewing images of nature, especially expansive views of nature such as an ocean scene or the mountains, became more compassionate. There are many nature photos on my website,, for you to view and help you become more relaxed, calm and compassionate. And even better than viewing images of nature is being outdoors in nature and experiencing it firsthand.

I also recommend bring nature indoors. Enjoy some fresh flowers and plants (which also help to clean the air) and also a water fountain so you can hear the trickle of water. On my website,, on the homepage, you can click on a button to enjoy all kinds of nature sounds while you are working, relaxing, stretching, meditating, praying or going to sleep.

The members of the Essene community were aware of the importance of being outdoors in nature, feeling the sunshine invigorating their bodies and appreciating the beauty and resplendence that nature gifts to us. In my workshops and private practice, I frequently talk about a disease I call NDD — or Nature Deficit Disorder. When you have the choice, as I mentioned above, exercise outdoors — take a hike in the mountains, walk in your local park, enjoy a brisk walk on the beach or ride your bike. Not only does too much time away from nature drain our body’s energy and throw off our “physical-mental-emotional balance,” it also wrinkles our soul and deprives us of a cost-free “visual valium” experience. The more time we spend outdoors in nature on a regular basis, the healthier and more balanced we become. That’s why I endeavor to get outdoors every day, rain or shine, hot or cold; nature is always beckoning us to come for a visit.

It was John Muir who once said, “Between every two pine trees is a doorway leading to a new way of life.” Isn’t that wonderful? Have you ever heard the phrase Skinrin Yoku? It’s the Japanese expression for “Forest Bathing” or “Nature Therapy” — meaning to relax and spend quality time in nature. Just three hours of nature-time without your cell phone or other tech devices will truly help to heal your body. It will assist you in slowing down and enjoying yourself, releasing stress and anxiety. Being at peace in nature, breathing in all of the salubrious negative ions (those ions restore health to the body) will renew your body and soul.

For decades, I’ve been taking individuals and groups out in nature for healing sessions, and I write about this and also about “Prayer-Hiking” and “Prayer-Walking” in my book Invest in Yourself with Exercise. Our moms and grandmothers were right when they said to us all… “Go outside and play.” To this, I will add… Go outside to play and pray!

13) God-Centered Lifestyle

The hub of the wheel in my healthy living program is living a faith-filled, God-centered life. Put simply, I make God the center of my life and throughout my days, I seek to put my focus on God no matter what I am doing. You can read more about my Christian lifestyle in my books, Kitchen Gardening, Affirming God’s Love, Be the Change, Body Temple VitalityWired for High-Level Wellness and Choose to THRIVE, and on my website

I feel tremendously blessed for this gift of life from God and one of my gifts back to my Creator is to keep my body healthy and to live a peaceful, happy and balanced life. Our bodies are sacred temples and I take to heart the expression, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” That’s why one of the cornerstones of my healthy living program is on keeping my body detoxified and rejuvenated year-round with all of the modalities described above. Fasting, consuming green juices and smoothies and plant-based whole foods, exercising, getting enough sleep, enjoying fresh air, showing kindness to others and myself, keeping stress levels low, practicing meditation and being prayerful, reading the Bible, cultivating daily positive thinking and living my life for God, with Jesus by my side, is what keeps me healthy, happy, peaceful and confident. I also call upon my angels to guide me, which they always do without hesitation, and always with love. Try doing this each morning when you wake up. I ask my angels and Jesus to guide my thoughts, words and actions every hour of the day. When I do this, my day always unfolds with more joy, happiness, peace and love.

What can you do today, this week and this month to upgrade your personal diet and healthy living program? You don’t have to make major changes that can often be overwhelming. Start with baby steps. Perhaps you can commit to walk for 15 minutes each day, drink purified alkaline water, take infrared saunas, go to bed earlier to get more sleep, get up early and spend quality time with God, find 10 minutes to be outdoors in nature each day and use tapping or some other technique like visualizations and affirmations (refer to my book Affirming God’s Love) to get rid of the negative emotions. Each day I affirm this: “Every day, in every way I am getting healthier, happier and holier.”

Maybe you can start to eat one raw food meal a day, make your portions smaller, chew your food well and eat slowly and stop eating before you are full. And always remember to not judge yourself. Just do the best you can. Make positive choices, love yourself unconditionally, let go of the past and open to the bright future God has in store for you. Live with an attitude of gratitude always. Follow your heart, smile brightly, live graciously, laugh often and dream BIG. Be brave and bold, be young at heart and choose to be healthy, happy and always holy. It was Abraham Lincoln who gave us this sage advice, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” I agree.

I support your great adventure and hope to meet you somewhere along the path of life as we take the high road to vibrant health, happiness and holiness.

I’m healthy as can be — not an ache or a pain. A lot of my prayer is thanking the Lord that I am healthy. I pray for long life and good health.

~ Joel Osteen

When you take time to cleanse your body and mind of toxicity, accumulated stress and negative thinking, you are rewarded with vitality, optimal health and peace.

~ Susan Smith Jones

YOU: Successful, Balanced, Faith-Filled & Well Read

A recent news report told of a fascinating survey conducted by Princeton University, which said: “Princeton knows what Americans really want, and it’s not money, a new home or even sex. What Americans really want is 1) faith in God; 2) health; 3) happy marriages.” These responses to the survey shocked even the researchers. Well, if many Americans are not realizing their personal desires by following their current lifestyles, from what they eat to how they think and live—and since Princeton proclaims that many in this country are reaching for a way of living that will bring these desires to them—what’s the answer?

All of the books I have authored respond directly to this urgent desire for the knowledge and understanding necessary for having a more genuinely loving, happy, healthy, successful and soul-satisfying life.

In this millennium in which we all live, I believe that those of us who will thrive are not necessarily those with the most achievements, most accolades or the best resumes. Knowing how to use the newest version of Windows, and knowing how to send info on the “Net” at the speed of light is not a sure prescription for success. Having a smart phone, tablet, GPS device, high-speed computer and smart watch may make you feel plugged into the 21st century, but the only thing you may really be is wired! It is the people who are internally plugged in — the people who are most deeply connected to their inner selves and their spiritually and connection to God—who will be the champions of the 21st century. This I am sure of.

So, the way to rid ourselves of disharmony and to create more balanced, successful and satisfying lives is to remember that we are, first and forever, spiritual beings. I’m convinced that successful healing and living stems in large part from a person’s spirituality: From the mental caress of meditation and God’s Love; from prayer rich with belief; from the soulful stirrings of human touch; from resolutions of conflict, anger and resentment. In short, health and healing rises from the fanning of the Love-Light (God) within you that chokes in the face of deadlines, cell phones, traffic, TV, radio and not honoring your feelings, not telling the truth or not following your heart. Choose to have leadership of your very own spirituality and you will become more successful in every area of your life and will live with a sacred balance. Live your life for God and build your faith day in, day out.

In Hebrews 11:1, these words touch my heart. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. It was Henry David Thoreau who wrote . . . The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us that . . . The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. I love that passage and remind myself of its profundity every day, especially when life sends me a curveball. Another one of my favorite quotes on faith is by Ralph Waldo Trine who, in all of his profundity wrote . . . Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet, and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and persistently expects. Are you living a faith-filled life? Do you wish your faith would grow and infuse your daily thoughts, words and actions? It’s a choice and right this moment, you can invite faith to be your default position in life.

Begin your transformation today by agreeing to bring in one positive health-enriching habit for the next 21-30 days. Perhaps you might agree to drink more water, enjoy more fresh fruit, get more sleep, be more consistent with exercise or find 10-15 minutes during the day just for you—to enjoy the peace of your own company. Top on my list of health-enhancing activities is to read. I am a voracious reader of books. Read books that uplift and inspire you. Besides reading the Bible daily, I always have several books nearby (on my bedside table, in my car, inside my tote bag and more) that I can read at any time in a moment’s notice. For example, I always carry a motivating book with me to read if I need to wait in line at the post office, or the checkout line at the grocery store, or the doctors’ office, or while my car is being filled with gasoline or even if I go out to eat alone at a restaurant.

You will never find me without an uplifting book in my possession. In fact, I know for certain that when you adopt the habit of reading books, you will start to experience more and more enjoyable days. I see this happen all the time to friends and clients who take my advice and read. Many people enjoy reading from their tablets and Kindle devices and that’s fine. However, my preference is to hold a real book and be able to write notes or put check marks on the pages on which I want to return upon finishing the book to uplift me further.

Books are more than just words on a page. You, the reader, bring the words to life. Apply what you read and look for ways you can experience more celebration in your life than you’ve ever felt before. I love what Henry David Thoreau said about the books he preferred to read.

Books, not which afford us a cowering enjoyment, but in which each thought is of unusual daring; such as an idle person cannot read, and a timid one would not be entertained by, which even make us dangerous to existing institutions — such I call good books.

When you follow through on what you say you’re going to do for 21-30 days, and hopefully you will start reading more books, you boost self-esteem and confidence. It’s in your hands. Choose to live a balanced life, persevere in your goals and your path to success, let faith permeate your thoughts, words and actions and make uplifting books your constant companions.