John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life.
Susan’s Interviews & Webinars
Houseplants Support Physical & Mental Health: Making Plants Thrive & Celebrating Nature
We all know that plants make people happy, but do you know the science behind it? Adding living plants to your interiors is shown to have positive effects on mental health, ability to focus, stress relief, air quality and even provide therapeutic benefits. In this enlightening interview on the popular program This Week in America, Susan explores why and how plants support our health and some favorite houseplants to add to your home and office and reap myriad health benefits. Anyone can have a green thumb and you will marvel at her simple tips. She offers practical ways to bring nature into our homes and the many ways it will bless your health and life. For more info on plants and health, or on myriad ways to create vibrant health and healing — physically, mentally and spiritually, please refer to UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

Sleep Like a Baby… Naturally: Best, Simple Tips for Restful, Sound Sleep That Work Beautifully!
In this interview with Ric Bratton on his program This Week in America, Susan covers the importance of sleep for health, weight loss, immunity, happiness, stress reduction, longevity, face wrinkle reduction, anti-aging, mood elevation and more, and also offers her sure-fire tips to help you get calming, comfortable sleep every night. This interview will inspire you to make sleep a top priority in your healthy living program. For more information on getting consistent, sound sleep, please refer to Susan’s book UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

It’s Time to Detoxify & Rejuvenate Your Whole Body Today & Year-Round
Susan is a leading expert on whole-body detoxification and rejuvenation and teaches people worldwide about why it’s so necessary to keep the body detoxified year-round. On This Week in America, Susan covers all of the tips necessary to look and feel your best through whole-body cleansing and the many ways you can choose to detoxify your body so it fits into your lifestyle. You will learn about bodily signs that it’s time to detoxify; symptoms of toxic build-up; the channels of elimination in the body; the benefits of a thorough body cleansing; what to eat (and not eat) when detoxifying; and countless more tips to make your cleansing process successful. For more info on this topic, please refer to Susan’s book Wired for High-Level Wellness.

Simple, Effective Ways to Reduce & Prevent Inflammation in the Body
Virtually every health condition — from asthma to irritable bowel syndrome — is linked to inflammation. When inflammation gets out of control, the result is pain and discomfort, and it’s a phenomenon that’s on the rise. If you’re one of the millions of people who have been affected by allergies, diabetes, skin disorders, cancer, heart disease, arthritis or any other condition ending in “—itis,” then you know, firsthand, what havoc inflammation can cause. She teaches you how to conquer these health conditions and enthusiastically demystifies the ABCs of Inflammation in this informative, eye-opening interview on the program This Week in America. Susan covers how to heal inflammation in the most natural ways possible and for all ages. She includes a discussion on some of her favorite superfoods that she enjoys daily to reduce inflammation and promote vibrant health. For more info on this topic, please refer to her books UPLIFTED and Wired for High-Level Wellness.

Raising Vibrant Children & Creating Healthy Families in 12 Easy, Practical Steps
Raising vibrant children and creating healthy families can be a very daunting and challenging task in this day and age with so many activities, poor food choices, sitting too long in front of the computer or smart phone, peer pressure from friends, lack of healthy living knowledge and much more. These surefire tips will be a godsend in your life — whether you have children or not. She has worked with parents, children and families around the world for decades and in this recent interview, she shares with you her best tips on how to raise healthy families. With host Ric Bratton on his program This Week in America, they cover easy ways to bolster self-esteem and make better choices. It’s time to heal body, mind and spirit so you can create your best life and focus on what’s really important in your life. This interview will motivate and inspire you to make simple, positive changes so you and/or your children can be radiantly healthy, disease-free, energy-rich and vibrantly glowing. So, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nannies, caretakers, neighbors and anyone of any age who wants to experience vibrant health, keep handy a pen and paper because you’ll probably want to take notes when listening. What are you waiting for? For more info on these topics, please refer to her two companion books Wired for High-Level Wellness and UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

Using Gratitude, Kindness & Positivity to Heal Your Body & Life
On the international radio show Coast-to-Coast AM with host George Noory, Susan talks about how to make this your best year ever. She covers a variety of topics, including how to . . . elevate your mood, extend your life, feel more peaceful, strengthen your faith, sleep like a baby, enjoy a cost-free visual-valium experience, increase your body’s oxygen, lower blood pressure, say good-bye to depression, start each morning with positivity, sing your way to happiness, enjoy daily placidity, live with more heart, put wings under your confidence, have the courage of a lion, radiate positivity, declutter your home environment, pray your troubles away, prevent NDD—”nature deficit disorder,” age gracefully, boost your immunity, manage stress, look 10 years younger in 30 days, feel uplifted in the midst of chaos and so much more. For more info on all of these topics, please refer to Susan’s upbeat and life-enriching book UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

Three Keys to Vibrant Health
In this TV interview on the program The Health Awakening with show host Scott Laird, ND, Susan talks about three very important components of being vibrantly healthy. It involves attending to the whole person trinity of mind, body and spirit. She says that it starts with taking loving care of the body through regular exercise and health-promoting raw, colorful, nutrient-rich foods and then adding in a positive attitude of gratitude and being more kind to ourselves and others in our daily lives. What an uplifting discussion and one you will want to share with family and friends. For more information on these topics, please refer to Susan’s celebrated books Wired for High-Level Wellness and UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.
Mastering Menopause Magnificently
Menopause is the normal, natural transition in life for women that begins between the ages of 35-55. During this time, your ovaries get smaller and stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone that control the menstrual cycle, your eggs are depleted and fertility declines. Eventually, you are no longer able to become pregnant. With fluctuating hormone levels, those going through menopause won’t be surprised to learn that they may develop a host of emotions, including anxiety. Physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, weight gain and night sweats, also can make you anxious and uncomfortable. In this interview on This Week in America, Susan talks about the ABCs of menopause (including peri menopause and post-menopause) and shares her best tips on how to calm the physical symptoms in the most natural ways possible. This will be a godsend discussion for anyone who needs some practical and surefire tips.

Healthy Eating Tips & Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Weight Gain, Fatigue & Depression During the Holidays
Many people gain between 5 – 12 pounds from Halloween through the first week of January. How would you like to go through the holidays this year, or any holiday or vacation during the entire year, without gaining a pound? Does that sound impossible to you? You can do it with the help of Dr. Susan. In this interview on This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan offers some surefire tips that will help keep extra weight, as well as fatigue and depression, at bay. Let this be the first time you ring in the New Year (or a new season or month) without feeling overstuffed, bloated, fatigued and down on yourself for overindulging. Enjoy!
The Fountain of Youth: An Empowering Success Story
— It’s Time to Get Fit, Strong & Confident — VIDEO
Everyone wants to look and feel their best, no matter one’s age, and defy the aging process as we get older. Is that possible? This interview will show you that it is. Susan (in Los Angeles) and David Craddock (in England) talk to show host Gwen Rich (in Chicago) on her program The Rich Solution about the fountain of youth, boosting metabolism, the best exercise for weight loss and for a home gym, how to stay motivated in exercise and live healthfully, the power of attitude, how to sleep like a baby and so much more. For more info on these topics and details about healing the body, supporting longevity and being uplifted daily, please refer to Susan’s books — Wired for High-Level Wellness, UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality and Invest in Yourself with Exercise.
Inviting Kindness & Vitality To Be Your Daily Companions — Video
In this video interview with Susan, host Bro. Greg Cellini on his program Thank God for Monday, talks to her about enriching our lives with some simple practices each day that will help to keep us more balanced, centered, strong, confident and filled with faith. Both Greg and Susan bring joyous enthusiasm and a unique perspective to the conversation as will as practical suggestions on what you can do today to have robust vitality and to cultivate a positive mindset. As Susan offers, “In a world where you can be anything in your life, choose to be kind.” You will learn that through MRI technology, researchers have discovered that the brain’s pleasure and reward pathways light up like a Christmas tree when you are kind to others or to yourself. In fact, in only 15 seconds being kind and thankful, you can boost your immunity, lower blood pressure, lift your mood, increase your energy and so much more. This is an interview you will want to share with family and friends. To learn more about the topics discussed in this video interview, please refer to her beautifully designed, empowering book UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality. To peruse a book review for UPLIFTED, click HERE.
UPLIFTED: Creating a Life with Optimal Wellness, a Victorious Mindset & Much Less Stress
Busy lives inevitably create a hectic pace of life. Experiencing beauty, feeling wonder, and breathing in deeply of life’s countless blessings often fall to the bottom of our “to-do” lists. In this interview on This Week in America, and throughout her new book UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality, Susan gently encourages you to reconsider your priorities and aspirations, and your goals and dreams; she also helps you reassess how you use your time and what you value in order to live a more successful, soul-satisfying life. “The secret to creating these transforming changes,” as she writes in her book, “is that they’re made one step at a time and in 12-minute doable segments. They build on one another, so that nothing becomes a burden. They become manageable steps to take your life forward, until their cumulative effect manifests major changes of significance.” If we want to learn how to both honor our body and keep our mind uplifted, positive and thriving throughout the ups and downs of daily living or in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, then this interview, and her new book UPLIFTED, will be a godsend to you.
The Importance of Gut Health: Keeping Your Digestive System Robust with Lifestyle Practices & Superfoods, Prebiotics & Probiotics
A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, enhanced bowel movements, improved mood, bolstered energy, restful sleep and effective digestion, and it may help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases. When you heal your gut and restore bacterial balance, your body is given the opportunity to regenerate. Immunity can increase and you will start to produce more of the beneficial bacteria, which can continue to fight back the bad guys. On This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan gives us a short “Gut Health 101” course with some very important info on gut vitality that we should all know about to keep our gut running smoothly and in tip-top shape. For more information on this topic, please refer to her books Wired for High-Level Wellness and UpLifted: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

Living a More Simple, Peaceful & Enriching Life. . . Even in the Midst of Challenges, Chaos & Uncertainty
Many people will tell you how to live your life, but it is up to you on how or where you will take its course. To heal your body and to live a more simple, balanced and peaceful life is not always easy, but it is possible. People tend to make things complicated when they shouldn’t be, according to Susan. As she writes in her internationally celebrated book Wired for High-Level Wellness, “We should not be afraid of simplicity. If you love someone, tell him or her. If you really want that job, work hard for it. If you want to be dancer, singer or professional athlete, practice more. You can do it!” She tells us in this empowering and uplifting interview on This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, along with many other tips, why it’s important to never allow doubt and negativity to stop you from having a simple, peaceful, balanced, joyful and fruitful life!

Health Benefits of Kindness
Acts of kindness make people feel good. But did you know that there’s a science behind that phenomenon called “loving kindness.” And research shows that learning and practicing loving kindness can profoundly affect your attitude, outlook and even your health. Better yet, you can rewire your brain to be more present and kinder to others, giving your mood a daily boost. According to Susan, random acts of kindness bless both the giver and the receiver. In this interview with her on This Week in America, Susan tells us why kindness should be a year-long practice. For more information on how kindness changes everything, please refer to her books Be the Change and UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality.

Rejuvenate & Shine Brightly in 10 Easy Steps
In this interview Susan shares with us 10 Simple, SurefireTips for Invigorating the Body, Mind & Spirit. By using the acronym for the word “REJUVENATE”, Susan gives us a buffet of tips to improve our whole-body wellness. Whether it is the new year, a new month, or a new season, anytime is the perfect time to start making better choices for our health and wellness and reducing our levels of stress. By incorporating many, if not all, of the surefire tips shared by Susan, we have the opportunity to REJUVENATE our body, mind, and spirit. Susan’s latest book, Wired for High-Level Wellness, will lovingly give you even more tips to create a meaningful life that is filled with health and happiness.

Boosting Your Immunity Year-Round: Keeping Your Body Virus- & Disease-Free
Boosting your immune system is one of the best things you can do because it is your body’s key defense when it comes to fighting a virus. Even if you are exposed to a virus, such as the Coronavirus or others, if your immune system is strong, you have a better chance of not getting sick. In this interview on This Week in America, Susan shares some essential information on how to keep our immune systems strong and vigorous year-round. She features a variety of sure-fire tips, including nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide; increasing your body’s electrons and reducing IOS; taking phycocyanin; getting the best exercise; keeping your body hydrated with purified water; enjoying restful sleep; practicing earthing; increasing Vitamin C and D; fostering good oral care and more. When you honor these time-tested practices, you’ll no longer fear getting sick with viruses and other illnesses. Start now to get healthier by the day and feel better than ever before in no time at all. For more info on this topic of fortifying your immunity, please refer to Susan’s book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
The Dangers of EMF Radiation & The Benefits of Earthing (aka Grounding)
In this interview on This Week in America, Susan discusses two important subjects: EMFs will be the first topic and you’ve probably already heard about harmful electromagnetic frequencies and their deleterious effect on health. They are ever-present in modern society. She gives practical tips on how to keep yourself protected. The second topic might be new to you, but it’s nevertheless very important. Referred to as Earthing (aka Grounding), this simple practice in your daily lifestyle can make a profound difference in your level of health and vitality. There’s really nothing in your body — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — that Earthing can’t benefit. To learn more about these topics, please refer to Susan’s website, and also her book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
Keeping you and your family healthy has never been more important. Part and parcel of being healthy is keeping cholesterol levels in check because increased levels lead to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes and more. There’s a lot involved and this topic is what Susan discusses in this interview on This Week in America with host Ric Bratton. You will learn about what the numbers mean for your total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides and also how to get and keep your cholesterol at a healthy level . . . naturally.

Cultivate a Balanced, Holistic Lifestyle: The Fast Track to Vibrant Health & Happiness
We have a tendency to believe that lifestyle and health are separate. Apart from the obvious things like fitness and eating well, we don’t really think about how our mental health could affect our physical health – or vice versa. Nor do we consider preventative options that could keep us healthier for longer. A holistic approach to healthcare is important because it takes everything into account — from how much sleep you get, to how stressed you are, to how varied your diet is and whether or not you are happy and confident. On the program This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, Susan offers us practical ways to create and enjoy a more healthy and faith-filled lifestyle. For more detailed information on cultivating a vibrant, holistic lifestyle, please refer to her book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Embrace a Vegetable-Centric Diet: 15 Easy Ways to Enjoy Eating More Veggies Daily
Your mother always said “eat your vegetables” and she was right – maybe in more ways than she knew. While you don’t have to go all veggie and become a strict vegetarian or vegan, one of the healthiest eating habits you can foster for yourself and in your family is to eat more vegetables. Surveys have shown that children who eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables when they are young tend to continue this eating habit when they’re adults. But how do you get your children to eat vegetables? Eat them yourself! In fact, your job as a parent is to eat and serve lots of vegetables, be excited about them, prepare them in a variety of appealing ways and dress them up to have kid appeal. The rest is up to your child. And even if you don’t have children, eating more veggies yourself will heal and rejuvenate your body. On the radio program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan offers many practical suggestions on how to enjoy more vegetables in your daily diet. For more healthy living information and food recipes using veggies and other wholesome foods, please refer to her book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Bodily Circulation: Natural Ways to Improve It at Any Age
Your circulatory system, also known as your cardiovascular system, is made up of your heart and blood vessels. It works to transport oxygen and other nutrients to all the organs and tissues in your body. It also works to remove carbon dioxide and other waste products. Having a healthy circulatory system is vital to your health and well-being. What can we do to keep our heart and blood vessels in good shape? What foods and lifestyle practices will improve blood pressure, increase nitric oxide and bolster our energy? Are there special things we can do to support healthy libido well into our senior years? On the program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan covers all of these topics and so much more! And if you want even more guidance on the healthiest lifestyle to keep your circulation in tip-top shape, please refer to her book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Joint Fitness: Keep Your Joints Healthy with Foods & Lifestyle Practices
Joint problems can really put a crimp in your mobility, making it difficult to carry out even the most basic daily tasks. Often, symptoms of pain and stiffness may be signs of bone deterioration, so taking steps to eliminate discomfort can go a long way toward protecting your joint health. Like the rest of the body, the foods you eat each day affect the health of your joints in a big way. Eating foods that support joint health not only helps reduce discomfort, but also improves the body’s overall health. With her usual enthusiasm, Susan shares what foods to include in your diet and which foods to avoid at all costs to help you mend and prevent joint pain and so much more on the program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton. If you would like more practical tips on joint vitality and how to stay youthful and healthy well into your older years, please refer to her book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Strengthen Immunity with Foods, Vitamins & Lifestyle Practices
Immunity is a state in which the body is protected from infectious disease. It is conferred by the immune system, a complex network of cells, tissues and chemicals that fight infection and kill organisms when they invade the body. There are three categories of immune protection, all of which help protect the body from infectious diseases. This includes the capacity to distinguish foreign material in the body, and to neutralize, eliminate or metabolize that which is foreign. On the radio program, This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan focuses in on how to optimize your entire immune system naturally by avoiding or enjoying certain foods, vitamins and herbs and incorporating or eschewing some lifestyle practices such as smoking or being sedentary. It’s more important than ever before with the rampant coronavirus for each of us to bolster our immune systems year-round so we can be as healthy as humanly possible. For more information on immunity and keeping your miraculous body healthy and strong, please refer to Susan’s celebrated book Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Strong Bones at Any Age: Prevent & Reverse Osteoporosis
What helps you stand up strong? What keeps you from flopping like a noodle on the floor? What gives your body its shape and protects your heart and brain? It is your bones, of course! The most debilitating diseases are often the ones we don’t see coming, and Osteoporosis is a sneaky one. In fact, Osteoporosis is often called the silent killer because there are few warning signs, and the ones that do show up are sometimes so benign that they’re easy to overlook. But knowledge is power, and knowing the signs, symptoms and potential causes can prepare us and even help avoid Osteoporosis altogether. (Yes, it can be done!) On the program This Week in America, Susan talks about “Bone Health” and what you can start doing today to strengthen your bones and prevent or even reverse Osteoporosis (weak and porous bones). She covers everything from risk factors, foods to avoid and eat, vitamins and minerals to take, the best exercises to strengthen bones, as well as other lifestyle practices to incorporate into your daily program to prevent or reverse Osteoporosis. For more information on keeping your bones strong well into your 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and older, please refer to Susan’s books Wired for High-Level Wellness and Invest in Yourself with Exercise. You might even enjoy Susan’s detailed and highly motivating Webinar also entitled Invest in Yourself with Exercise.
Using Meditation to Enrich Your Life
For decades, Susan has personally practiced Meditation and also traveled the world (physically and virtually) teaching people about the benefits, how to do it, and offering effective tips and techniques for Christians and people of all faiths to foster high-level wellness and live more stress-less, peaceful lives through simple contemplation. She devoted two detailed chapters to this topic of Meditation, it’s history through the ages and cultures and how to meditate effortlessly in her book Wired for High-Level Wellness: Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper. Whether you meditate for 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes daily, you’ll get healthier, happier, and younger with each session — scientifically proven! On the radio program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan covers the ABCs of Meditation and how to easily incorporate it into your lifestyle —indoors or outdoors, alone or with others, for children through seniors — to cultivate a more confident and rewarding life … physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Webinar — Whole-Body Cleanse & Detox
The secret to vibrant health and youthful vitality at any age is in keeping the body and mind cleansed and detoxified year-round and adopting a lifestyle that includes positive, grateful thoughts, natural foods, pure water, fresh air, sunshine, exercise and a few more healthy living practices, which are all described in detail in this Webinar by Dr. Susan. Learning to cleanse the body and mind is an essential part of healing. When the body is burdened with too much toxic waste material, it will be tired and have low immune function. When the body is clean, it can absorb the essential nutrients it needs to heal, repair and maintain good health. So the next time you hear the expression, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” you may understand better that it conveys an extremely important aspect of health and rejuvenation. The more cleansed you keep your miraculous body, the more room you’ll have to be filled with Light.
This Webinar covers the ABCs of full-body cleanse and detox and will inspire you to take better care of your body and health. Susan provides lots of information so you can return to it often for inspiration and motivation. Enjoy. Webinar – Whole-Body Cleanse & Detox.
Webinar — Invest in Yourself with Exercise
Here’s a very inspiring and empowering Webinar by world-renowned Healthy Living Expert Susan Smith Jones, PhD. It will motivate you and others to exercise for life. It covers the ABC’s of Effective Exercise including why, how, when and where to exercise to get surefire results, and it offers practical and unique ways to get healthy and fit… at any age, even into your 80s and 90s she says. And Susan should know. She taught health and fitness classes to students, staff, and faculty at UCLA for 30 years and has written over 30 holistic health books. You’ll learn how exercise can increase income, strengthen bones, boost immunity, improve heart health and circulation, make your brain stronger and younger, beautify skin, reduce aches and pains, increase flexibility and so much more! If you have been lacking in motivation to move your body more, be more active and create your healthiest life, you’ll appreciate this Webinar. It’s practical, upbeat and humorous, too. Enjoy! Webinar: Invest in Yourself with Exercise
Webinar – ORAL CARE: Healthy Mouth ~ Healthy Body
Vibrant health really starts in the mouth! How you care for your teeth, gums and tongue has a direct impact on your overall health. While a beautiful smile and fresh breath are often our main pursuits, this Webinar by Dr. Susan extends our focus to include the gums, plaque and more. Topics Susan discusses include… how to keep your mouth healthy and pain-free; cavities; fillings, crowns and implants; oral irrigation; toothpaste and mouthwash; halitosis; how periodontal disease can be passed through kissing; teeth grinding; reasons to avoid sugar; jaw pain; nutritional supplements for strong choppers; motives for whitening and straightening teeth; and much more! You’ll be inspired and motivated by what you learn in Susan’s Webinar and will be empowered to start taking better care of your oral hygiene. Get ready to be dazzled by the wealth of information! Webinar – ORAL CARE: Healthy Mouth ~ Healthy Body
Oxygenate & Rejuvenate Your Body
Foods & Lifestyle Practices to Increase Oxygen
Oxygen is the most important nutrition for our cells. Every function in our body is dependent on oxygen, and it is the power for our body and muscles. Breathing deeply into our lungs provides our cells with oxygen, makes our brain work and our heart beat. Therefore, increased levels of oxygen help us perform better, giving energy to both our mind and body. If we lack oxygen, we are not able to perform physically, we will feel tired and experience fatigue and so much more. On the program This Week in America, Susan covers in detail the importance of keeping our bodies fully oxygenated and ways to do this with foods and lifestyle practices. For more information on how to rejuvenate the body, please refer to her book, Wired for High-Level Wellness.
Choose to Be Prosperous & Get on the Abundance Train
Would you like to increase abundance and wealth in your life? Do you have enough money to pay your bills but never seem to have enough leftover to save? Do you wish you could pay yourself first before you pay your bills? Does your monthly income slip through your fingers too quickly? Are there things you’ve wanted to purchase that have been on your “Wish List” for years and you have yet to afford them? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then this interview with Susan on This Week in America with host Ric Bratton is perfect for you. You will learn about creating a more prosperous and successful lifestyle, including how to be a magnet for prosperity and get on the “abundance train.” Susan will tell you how you can actually change the rate of vibration in our body and mind so you can more easily attract higher levels of wealth into your life with ease. This material discussed is only the tip of the iceberg of what she offers in the chapter on “Attracting Prosperity” in her book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.
Living with More Joy & Less Stress
12 Surefire Stress-Busters
Stress is a fact of life, but you don’t need to make it your way of living. In this discussion with host Valeria Popoff on the Supercharged Lifestyle program, Susan talks about the myriad ways we can assuage the stress of day-to-day living so we can be our best and enjoy life more. The topics covered include exercise, meditation, diet, laughter, nature-time, sleep, silence, peace, superfoods, balance, attitude, gratitude, grounding/earthing, self-esteem and much more. The enthusiasm and insight from both Susan and Valeria will captivate you and feed your soul with many surefire ways to enrich the quality of your life. For more information on these topics, refer to her book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.
To listen now, click HERE.
Holistic Wellness
Fast-Tracking Your Health Goals & Life Dreams to Fruition
If you want to feel your best, look younger, boost your immunity and protect yourself from viruses and other illnesses, this interview is for you. If you want to feel positive and hopeful, be courageously confident, create a fit, healthy body and more, then you’ve come to the right place. On the program Straight Talk Radio, host Nick Lawrence and Susan talk about holistic health on all levels — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And the foundation of all wellness, says Susan, starts with high self-esteem and committing to wellness in our lives. She also covers even more fascinating information along these lines in her book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper. And if you like the music of Frank Sinatra, Nick used four of of Susan’s favorite Sinatra songs as their bumper music.
To listen now, click HERE.
Wired for Vitality, Self-Esteem & Success
Becoming the CEO of Your Health & Life
On the program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan covers a variety of life-enriching topics you may have never heard discussed before. She talks about the connection between health and success; the meaning of success in her life; the connection between self-esteem and the body and how important positive self-image is to creating success; how meditation contributes to a healthier body and a more peaceful mind; the connection between weight and prosperity; why you can’t blame all of your health issues on your genes; simple ways to improve the quality of your daily life; how to step up in your life and become the CEO of your body and health; how to release the spirit-lifting, depression-destroying chemicals in your body of enkephalin and norepinephrine; and much more. If you enjoy this interview, you will also appreciate her book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.
The Importance of Water
The Quest for Hydration
The human body is comprised of mostly water. It is essential for overall good health. The average adult loses more than 10 cups of water every day simply by eliminating waste, breathing and perspiring. When water is lacking, numerous bodily functions begin to curtail. So much disease starts from, and is exacerbated by, dehydration. On This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan will inspire you to fully hydrate. You will learn how to tell if you are dehydrated, how dehydration affects health, and the best ways to stay fully hydrated with water, other beverages and foods. Also, you will discover the best water to drink, and how to make the perfect pH, purified, alkaline water in your kitchen daily. She concludes with an easy way you can increase your income while getting healthier, happier and more hydrated! If you would like more information on these topics, refer to Susan’s book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.
Boosting Immunity & Conquering Coronavirus
On This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan covers the ABCs of the coronavirus and how to stay protected from it invading your body, and how to heal from it in record-breaking time if it takes hold of you. She teaches us how to be healthy by choice and not leave it to chance. Once the highly contagious Covid-19 enters the body, the integrity of your immune system determines whether or not you become sick with symptoms. Thus, there are two lines of defense in virus prevention: practicing good hygiene and maintaining strong immunity. You will learn how to bolster your immune system and feel positive about staying healthy during these uncertain times. If you would like more information on keeping the body vibrantly healthy and the immune system in tip-top shape, refer to Susan’s book WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Way to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.
The Physiology of Stress, Food Addictions & Cravings
Tips to Get Control Over Our Eating Habits & Life
Life is stressful and people respond to stress in many different ways. Stress is a part of daily life for most of us, especially these days. When you are stressed out and “under the gun,” how do you deal with it? Some people get cranky and impatient. Others get angry and truculent. Some get very depressed and can barely get through the day without crying, and can barely get out of bed in the mornings. Studies show, too, that when we are stressed out and we don’t manage it well, many of us eat more foods/calories than we need, and we often reach for nutrient-poor foods like those made with white sugar and flour, lots of salt, heavy in fats and oil, and too many calories. We start to crave unhealthy foods. And the more we each these foods, the more we crave them. Indeed, cravings kick into high gear when we’re stressed or anxious. With host Ric Bratton on the program This Week in America, Susan discusses the physiology of stress and how it can exacerbate poor food choices. We can get back the control of our eating habits so we can create a more balanced and joyful life, and Susan will show you how. If you would like much more detail on this topic of cravings, food addictions and stress, along with lots of stories about Susan’s clients and their motivating work together to create empowering success, please refer to Susan’s book Choose to THRIVE.
Health Benefits of Kindness
On This Week in America with radio host Ric Bratton, Susan discusses a variety of topics, including how kindness supports brain health; enjoying the “helpers’ high” throughout your day; what are specific health benefits of showing kindness; simple ways kindness reduces depression; why we should not forget self-kindness; how cats and dogs make us kinder people; what a Harvard survey on happiness in 136 countries discovered that you will want to know; and many practical ways we can make compassion more of a default position in our daily lives. You will want to share this interview with friends and family.

15 Water-Rich Foods to Stay Hydrated & Detoxified: Simple Ways to Eat Your Water
A fish without water can’t breathe, and we can’t live without water either! According to Susan, staying hydrated is one of the most important ways to stay vibrant and youthful no matter our age, and to also maintain a proper body weight, but most of us are dehydrated without even realizing it. While drinking water can easily meet this requirement, eating lots of water-rich foods not only helps you meet your proper hydration needs, but it also offers a wealth of health benefits. On the program This Week in America, Susan focuses on how to keep your body hydrated with foods high in water content along with a little information on each food and why staying hydrated is so important. You will want to take notes on the 15 superfoods she says are hugely water-rich and health-enriching.
Foods that Destroy & Support Brain Health
While we might not be able to be in control of all aspects concerning our personal brain health since genetics are involved, we can certainly choose which foods to eat and which to avoid to help maximize our brains’ abilities well into old age. On the show This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, Susan features the best foods and supplements to eat (or not eat!) if you want vibrant wellness and brain vitality well into older age. You’ll learn about foods that impact depression, anger, aggression, irritability, memory loss, focus, concentration, inflammation, emotional disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, strokes, dementia, Alzheimer’s and more. You may be surprised at some of the foods on the “naughty” and “nice” lists.
The Healing Power of Molecular Hydrogen
On the radio show This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, Susan discusses Molecular Hydrogen — an astounding new health therapy found to be the most effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ever identified. Over 1,200 peer-reviewed studies prove that molecular hydrogen is a miracle element and can offer a wide variety of health benefits to essentially every organ and cell of the body and nearly 170 different disease models. It is that miraculous. It is all natural, non-habit forming, no risk of overdose, no prescription needed, and has no negative side effects. Susan uses Vital Reaction® Molecular Hydrogen supplements daily (via Tablets or Inhaler) and has seen astounding results personally and with her clients and people worldwide who are now experiencing whole-body, high-level wellness. Molecular hydrogen supports healthy weight loss, healthy blood pressure, cognitive function, relief from joint and muscle pain, energy and vitality, younger skin, allergy relief, restful sleep, athletic performance and recovery time, cellular hydration, hangover prevention and relief, positive attitude and mood and so much more. “Susan says that an investment in your health is the best investment you can make and taking Molecular Hydrogen every day is a great place to start.”
Here’s a Concise Fact Sheet on Molecular Hydrogen Therapy to Print for Family & Friends
Why & How to Avoid Sugar: Lose Weight & Sweet Cravings
Don’t be alarmed — but something is hiding in your food. From the cereal you had for breakfast, to the dressing on your salad, to the ketchup on your fries, an addictive substance is lurking in many foods that you’d never suspect. On the radio show, Here’s to Your Health with host Dr. Karla Calumet, Susan talks about enemy #1 — Sugar — when it comes to the health of everyone. In fact, according to Susan, in our effort to listen to doctors’ (and government guidelines) to consume less fat and cholesterol, Americans (and Brits) have turned to so-called “healthy” low-fat foods that were actually loaded with sugar. In this riveting and upbeat interview, Susan shares her best tips on why we should eliminate sugar from our diets, how to do it, and surefire ways to eradicate sugar cravings.
Aging Healthfully, Happily & Gracefully: 10 Tips for Living a More Sacred, Balanced Life in Body, Mind & Spirit
On the program Here’s to Your Health, Dr. Susan and host Dr. Karla Calumet will inspire you with simple, practical ways to live a more fulfilling life. It was Mark Twain who once wrote: “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Let’s face it, we all age, but do we always need to look like we’re aging? Is it possible to slow down the aging process? And why is it that some celebrities and other people look the same today as they did 10 years ago, while others look like they’ve aged 30 years in 10 years. For over 35 years, Susan has focused many of her studies on longevity, anti-aging and high-level wellness. On this program, she offers 10 surefire tips to help keep our body, mind and spirit youthful…no matter our age. Susan shares that… “The body reflects the mind, and the mind reflects the spirit, and we all have within us the power to age gracefully, live fully and enjoy a balanced lifestyle.” Enjoy!
Heal Your Body By Maintaining a Healthy Acid / Alkaline Balance
On the program This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, Susan goes into great detail on the importance of maintaining an alkaline pH, eating an alkaline diet and neutralizing acidity for high-level wellness. The pH levels of the body’s internal fluids (a scale from 1 — 14) affect every single cell, organ and system of our body. Increases or decreases in pH creates an environment conducive to disease. A highly acidic diet creates a medical condition called metabolic acidosis which most people have and don’t even know it. What causes this acidic shift, what are acidic and alkaline foods, how to rid the body of acidic toxins, how alkaline water rejuvenates and energizes the body, how to deliver maximum nutrients to cells, what lifestyle practices help maintain the proper pH balance for vitality at any age and more is featured in this national interview.
Tips for Easy Full-Body Cleanse & Detoxification Year-Round
On the radio show Here’s to Your Health with host Dr. Karla Calumet, Susan teaches that one of the greatest health secrets is that you have control over the pollution in your body. If you keep a balanced and clean internal environment, you won’t succumb to the toxic build-up so prevalent in most people’s bodies. Those who cleanse regularly look and feel younger, are much healthier and live a longer life than those who ignore the need to internally cleanse. Indeed, internal cleansing can dramatically improve the quality of your overall health. When the body is clean, it can absorb more efficiently the essential nutrients it needs to heal, repair and maintain good health. So the next time you hear the expression, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” understand that it conveys an extremely important aspect of health and rejuvenation: The more cleansed you keep your miraculous body, the more room you’ll have to be filled with God’s Light. Listen to Susan talk about her surefire tips to detoxify the body from head to toe below.
Thrive & Prosper Each Day
On the popular program, This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, here’s an interview with Susan entitled Thrive & Prosper Each Day — spotlighting a variety of topics to create a more halcyon, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. She covers simple changes we can all make in our day-to-day lifestyle to produce the biggest, most positive and awe-inspiring results. You’ll learn how to bolster self-esteem and confidence; the effect extra body weight has on prosperity and success; how to get off the spin-cycle lifestyle and into the win-cycle lifestyle; ways to achieve goals more effortlessly; what you always want to do each morning to ensure a victorious day; how Susan lives a faith-filled, God-centered life and more.
RAWvolution: The Healing Power of Raw Foods
On the American, national radio program This Week in America, hosted by Ric Bratton, Dr. Susan focuses on… RAWvolution: The Healing Power of Raw Foods and how they revitalize the body from head-to-toe, inside out — physically, mentally, and spiritually. You’ll learn about a variety of practical, simple foods you can add to your diet that will transform your health. Their conversation covered greens, chlorophyll, enzymes, blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol, anti-aging, and glycotoxins. She also reported on how raw foods beautify skin, increase friendly bacteria in the gut, boost antioxidant levels, reduce joint pain, whittle the waistline, create a healthy digestive system, detoxify the cells and body, strengthen one’s spiritual life, and so much more. You will also hear about Susan’s God-centered, faith-based lifestyle.
Sweating Your Way to Vibrant Health
On the program This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, Susan will keep you on the edge of your seat with her discussion of Heat Therapy. Today sweating is not only “in,” it’s been proven to be one of the healthiest things a body can do. Nothing beats the feeling and overall well-being or the health benefits you get after you’ve worked up a “good sweat” and the easiest key to a “good sweat” is a sauna. When saunas are used regularly, studies have shown such benefits as improvement of blood circulation, restored youthfulness, toxin and heavy metal reduction, weight control, cellulite reduction, skin cleansing and rejuvenation, allergy reduction, muscle and joint pain decrease and so much more. But what is the best kind of sauna to use — a wet steam room, a traditional dry sauna or an infrared sauna? Susan highly recommends the infrared sauna and you’ll learn why it’s the best, how to take a proper sauna to reap all the benefits and why it’s so important to have your own personal sauna in your home. As Susan says, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness and taking regular saunas in the comfort of your own home will keep your God-given body temple cleansed, detoxified and rejuvenated year-round.
The ABCs of Sprouts & How They Supercharge Vitality — Part 1
Susan extols the virtues of sprouts in this radio interview on This Week in America. As she enthusiastically opines, sprouts are nature’s little miracles. In his poetry collection entitled Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman wrote, “The smallest sprout shows there is really no death.” You start with a small, dry, hard seed. Add air and a little water and watch as new life emerges as if by magic from the dormant seed. Vibrant with life and bursting with energy, its tiny size belies the extraordinary activity that takes place while growing. In mere hours, and at a cost to you of just pennies, its delicate shoot proceeds to provide the most vital food imaginable. After listening to this motivating interview, not only will you want to purchase Susan’s book Kitchen Gardening, but you will be ready to start your adventure into the wonderful world of sprouting. And even if you don’t want to grow sprouts at home, you’ll be inspired to add store-bought sprouts, these gems of nature, into your healthy diet.
The ABCs of Sprouts & How They Supercharge Vitality — Part 2
Continuing the discussion and giving a different perspective on the health benefits of sprouts and how to grow them, Susan joins Dr. Karla Calumet on her radio program Here’s to Your Health. You will learn about the best seeds to sprout, where to purchase them, seven reasons to cultivate homegrown sprouts, simple tips to start kitchen gardening immediately, why fresh sprouts should be the cornerstone of a healthy diet and so much more.
10 Power-Boosting Superfoods & 10 Health-Destroying Foods
When you shop at the grocery store, are you often feeling befuddled on which foods are the best ones to consume and which ones you should avoid if being healthy is your goal and you wish to lose weight and create a fit, strong body? In this interview on Here’s to Your Health with host Dr. Karla Calumet, Susan demystifies which superfoods should be top on your list and which ones destroy health. Susan also introduces us to Molecular Hydrogen and how taking simple H2 Tablets and using an Inhaler can bolster vitality. Molecular Hydrogen is revolutionizing the healthcare industry with over 1,200 peer-reviewed studies that prove it’s a miracle element that offers a wide variety of health benefits to essentially every organ of the body and nearly 170 disease models. To listen now, hit play below.