John 10:10
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

About Susan Smith Jones, MS, PhD

For a woman with three of America’s most ordinary names, Dr. Susan Smith Jones has certainly made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic health, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced, peaceful living. For starters, she taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan is the founder and president of Health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm dedicated optimal wellness and holistic health education. As a renowned motivational speaker, Susan travels internationally as a frequent radio/TV talk show guest and motivational speaker (seminars, workshops, lectures and keynote address); she’s also the author of over 2,500 magazine articles and over 30 books, including her latest titles — Body Temple Vitality; Affirming God’s Love; The Curative Kitchen & Lifestyle; Invest in Yourself with Exercise; Be the Change; God-Centered Health; Kitchen Gardening and Choose to THRIVE: Open Up to Vitality, Prosperity & Equanimity.


The President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports selected Susan as one of 10 Healthy American Fitness Leaders – a prestigious honor bestowed upon her in Washington, DC. Other past winners have included President Ronald Reagan, UCLA Coach John Wooden and fitness experts Kathy Smith and Richard Simmons.


Susan is in a unique position to testify on the efficacy of her basic message that health is the result of the countless choices we make every day. When she was in her 20s, Susan’s back was fractured in an automobile accident and her physician told her that she would never be able to carry “anything heavier than a small purse.” Susan chose not to accept this verdict; within six months, there was no longer any pain or evidence of the fracture. Soon, she fully regained her health and active lifestyle. Susan attributes her healing to her natural-foods diet, her faith in God and Jesus, her determination, perseverance, balanced living and, most importantly, to her unshakable relationship with and deep connection to God.


Since the accident, she has been constantly active in spreading her faith-based message that anyone can choose to create a healthy, happy, peaceful and balanced life. Her inspiring message and innovative techniques for achieving total health in body and mind have won her a grateful and enthusiastic following and have put her in constant demand internationally as a health and fitness consultant and educator. A gifted teacher, Susan brings together modern research and ageless wisdom in all of her work.


For more information on Susan, please visit: and