John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life.
David’s Interviews & Talks
Vibrant Health for the Christian Lifestyle: A FRESH Perspective
How to Deal with Breakdown in Family Relationships
In this video, David addresses the sensitivity of difficult family relationships and provides practical guidance on seeking positive outcomes.
How to Seek the Will of God for Your Life
In this video, David will inspire you to search the Scriptures to understand more about your purpose for being and how to create your best life.
Gratitude to Heal & Enrich Your Life
In this video, David reveals the blessings that manifest from a heart filled with appreciation and thankfulness and humility before God.
I Believe in Miracles
In this video, David explains how miracles are freely your constant companion in life if you are aware of God’s grace towards you and you develop your faith.
How to Deal with Loneliness
In this video, David shows you how you can be free of loneliness when you anchor your relationship in God.
What the Bible Says about Wealth & Prosperity
In this video, David will help you discover ways to access and claim your divine inheritence and the prosperity that God has prepared for you.
How to Deal with Stress
In this video, David provides practical guidance on applying eternally wise Biblical principles in the management of personal stress. He anchors into key Scriptures that speak to the heart and give victory to the true believer.
Opening the Promise Box of Blessings
In this video, David opens the Bible to reveal an infinity of promises for us to claim as Christians. These are promises that provide access to the gifts of God that abound in the heart of God and which, in the words of St. Paul, God has chosen to lavish upon His people.
Jesus Talking with Our Father in Heaven
In this video, David explores the depths of the perfect union between the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father, and how, as committed Christians, we are also brought into this personal union to know the eternal love of God and to have access to all truth.
How To Deal With Hurt
In this video, David explains the practical Christian response to dealing with hurt and offence, a response that derives from the victorious message of Jesus to be triumphant in all circumstances.
The Bible is Greater Than Gold
In this video, David identifies the Bible as the inspired Word of God through fascinating illustrations that support this eternal and powerful gift to all humankind.
Jesus as the Vine Tree
In this video, David expounds on the words that Jesus uses to illustrate Himself as the source of all life and truth and the basis of Christian character in the life of the believer.
When Grace Met Faith
In this video, David provides insight into the miracle that takes place in the heart of the perfectly-renewed spirit to inspire faith and guide the believer into the adventure of the Christian life.
The Kingdom of God
In this video, David explores the citizenship of the Kingdom of God that operates by laws that we can learn to apply in our own lives, thereby releasing the blessing of God and empowering the Christian believer to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.